What is Oxford City Larder?

Oxford City Larder works in conjuction with SOFEA and Fareshare to redistribute surplus food waste to the local community instead of it going to landfill or in the bin.


West Oxford Community Centre in the Main Hall.


Fridays from 4pm-6pm.

How can I join?

You can join Oxford City Larder online. Click here. Choose 'Oxford City Community Larder' from the drop-down menu and choose the plan which works best for you!

No internet? No problem! Come along on a Friday, chat to the wonderful larder voluenteers and they will get you signed up.

Check out Oxford City Larder's Facebook for updates, photos and ideas of what to make with the all the lovely larder goodies!

Other Benefits:

It's not just about the food. In fact, you don't even need to be a larder member to pop along and take advantage of the other activites on offer! At the larder you will also find: 

  • Visiting advisers to help us all save money on our bills. 
  • Energy saving advice from Low Carbon West Oxford
  • IT support
  • Clothes mending
  • Kids crafting table
  • Free refreshments and warm drinks

Socialise with locals in a cozy environment, enjoy a warm drink, and discover other local services through Oxford City Larder.

For more information, check out the websites below:



WOCA is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1171599 at West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BT. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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