Local WOCA Membership - £10.00 annual cost for residents of West Oxford

WOCA's area of benefit is for residents living west of Rewley Road and Hollybush Row in St Thomas', Osney, Botley Road and streets off Botley Road as far as the ring road. This membership does NOT include the city centre as that is outside the boundaries of West Oxford. 

An easy way to know whether you're in the West Oxford boundaries is if you live in between Seacourt Park & Ride and the station. 

Associate WOCA Membership - £10.00 annual cost

If you are living outside West Oxford / WOCA's area of benefit, or your organisation is not for profit/charitable and your work extends beyond the West Oxford area.

WOCA Member Benefits

  • Reduced room hire rates
  • Discounted entry to selected WOCA events, such as Jazz Coffee Concerts, Captain Fantastic children's shows
  • Free entry to WOCA community events - such as Winter Warmer Supper
  • Voting rights at AGMs (for local members only)
  • Receive the WOCA Weekly e-newsletter to your inbox, most Fridayss
  • The feel good factor of supporting your local community and helping us to continue to provide an affordable home for our many subsidised groups such as Baby & Toddler Group, Oxford City Larder who offer advice, support and friendship to local people

Alternatively, you can join manually by emailing us with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Address/Postcode

Along with your agreement to promote the objects of our Constitution. Once that is done, we will add you to our database.

To pay by BACS, please make your payment to:

West Oxford Community Association CIO
Sort code: 405240
Account: 00016045

NB: West Oxford Community Association CIO does not participate in the payee details checking service. You may receive a warning message on your internet banking screen that our account cannot be checked. As long as the above details are typed in correctly, you can still make a BACs transfer money to WOCA. 

Please get in touch if you are still experiencing problems.

To pay by cheque or cash: Drop your payment into the centre attaching your details.

WOCA is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1171599 at West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BT. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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