Monday 23rd December, 3:15pm-4:15pm, Main Hall

Join Captain Christmas for a magical, laugh-out-loud holiday show bursting with festive surprises! Begin an exciting quest to track down Santa with the help of a magical map, watch in awe as a drawing of Santa himself springs to life, and enjoy the wonder of flying-reindeer-inspired magic. What’s more, if we complete all the magical challenges, Santa has promised to send us a sprinkle of North Pole snow to make the day truly unforgettable!

This family-friendly show is designed for children aged 3-8, but younger and older kids are warmly invited to join the festive fun and holiday cheer!

WOCA is subsidising this show for members. If you would like to support our charity by becoming a member for £10 a year, click here!

Ticket price includes light refreshments after the show - Christmas outfits optional!

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You cannot book tickets for past events.

WOCA is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1171599 at West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BT. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website. To learn more, read our privacy policy.
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